Tuesday 2 April 2013

Nationals - Day 10

Sunday March 31, 2013

After much packing the evening before, most of the team elected to join Corey in his dream of downhill skiing in Whistler. Corey, Sean, Ben, and Anna rented equipment, Lisle had her own downhill stuff, and Levi rented a snow board. All were at the lift ticket booth when it opened at 8 AM! Megan sent up a few prayers that all would return with limbs intact . . .and 3 ½ hours later all did return with big smiles on their faces and more then slightly stiff and tired bodies. But as Elora and Lisle like to remind us all, “YOLO”.  

Lisle was long gone by this point, leaving us behind to suit up.
hey Ben, how'd you get your head stuck in a bowling ball?
a boarder in our midst
those are some dorky looking helmets. (don't worry, I had one too.)

Downhill highlights, as I understand, were the amazing views from the top of the mountains, the “peak to peak” gondala, and oh yeah, the skiing and boarding too. All but Sean had some downhill experience previously. Sean says it took a bit of time to get used to and then it was pretty darn fun. Sean was apparently highly entertaining for Corey as he headed for what he thought was a small bump, which turned out to be NOT a small bump . .taking some major air and landing in NOT a terribly recommended way. Good thing I was not there watching . . .
fun with chairlifts
"ok, hips forward, weight on balls of my feet...wait, what do you mean I'm doing it wrong?"
I think he's laughing at me...
seriously dorky looking helmets.
the peak to peak gondola
did I mention it was gorgeous? cause it's gorgeous
panorama from the top of Whistler mountain
Elora and Alex visited shops in Whistler, went for coffee and had a relaxing morning. Maya elected to re-join her parents as she was still short on energy. That left me, managing to valiantly RESIST the team pressure to join in the downhill insanity adventures. So I headed off on my own and did a zipline tour which was totally AWESOME!!!!!!!! Yes, it was great and wonderful and thrilling and I even have the video to prove it (in case there are any doubters).
that's...a reasonably long way down
she's smiling now...
exhilaration? sure, we'll go with that.

The drive back to Vancouver once again featured stunning scenery, which was every bit as good as it was on that first day. And so our wonderful 10 day 2013 Whistler Nationals adventure came to a close.
do I really need to say it?

 note: large amounts of pictures were shamefully stolen from the facebook albums of Ben and Elora.

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